Thursday, January 30, 2020

Social And Cultural Diversity Paper Essay Example for Free

Social And Cultural Diversity Paper Essay This paper will explore the writer’s personal beliefs, theories of racism and explore the ACA codes of ethics and treatment modalities for various cultures and also will introduce you took some of the writers experiences. I grew up in the deep south were racism was still alive and thriving. My time was in the sixties when the Klux Klux Klan was causing trouble and nothing was being done about it. My parents would tell my sisters and me to always be home before the sun went down because they were afraid that we might be taken or worst killed. When I attended school schools were segregated, but all the students in my class were people of color. White students had their class and we had ours all at the same school. When we went out to play the white students would call us names and the teachers would just laugh and tell them not to call us names. Where we lived it was all people of color in my community. The white people lived in another area. I remember that in order to get to the store we had to go through the white community and they would throw rocks at us and chase us back to be we lived. When I got to Jr. High School and had two white friends. We played and talked together all the time. The cultural difference between us made it hard for other students to understand what we were during. Students of color would be upset with me for talking with the white students and the white students would also be upset with them for associating with me. Just like half-century ago black people had problems when the right to vote in the South was the almost exclusive domain of white people (Kornacki, 2011). Black people would be intimidated by white people if they attempted to cast votes. I remember when my parents were determined to vote and they would get with other people of color and form a mob and go down there to vote. They all got to vote, but after that they would have to fight their way back home. I remember those days just if they were yesterday and today racism still lives on in the Deep South. The Deep South is not so much as where it is located, but it is a distinct culture (racism, racial 2013). Racism started in the south when the slaves were brought over here from Africa and the slave owners saw that African slaves were better at taking the heat and working all day long. They were looked at as property and nothing else. As the years went by and slavery was abolished they could not get over the fact they black were nothing more than slaves and because of that blacks could never be equal to whites(racism, racial 2013). When I associate with white people I have trust issues because of the things I saw when I was a child. Being an adult now I always watch what white people do around me and listen closely to every word that they say to me. Because of the way we were treated, I find myself always trying to be better than anyone else during any task. Whenever white people tell me anything I have trust issues being that they are trying to help me. Sometimes I have to examine myself because being biased in the field that I have chosen will not work. I have problems when groups of people of a certain culture get together in a group and are talking. The first thing that enters my mind is the wonder if they are talking about me. These are biases issues that how have learned to live with and also have learn not to let them effect the way that I treat other people (Diller, 2011). Racism is a bias of mine that I work on every day. Learning how to deal with a race and also how not to hold the way they act against them. People who openly express that they believe the white race to be superior to any other race are people I have a problem with, but when it comes to helping them in a therapeutic manner I have learned to put my personal feeling on the Back burner. Everyone has the right to feel any way that they want and human rights belongs to everybody. Humans Rights are a guarantee and cannot be discriminated against (Shenker, 1995). According to Diana Ayton-Shenker â€Å"Every human being has the right to culture, including the right to enjoy and develop cultural life and identity. Cultural rights, however, are not unlimited. The right to culture is limited at the point at which it infringes on another human right. No right can be used at the expense or destruction of another, in accordance with international law† (Shenker, 1995). Subtle Racism is defined as, Subtle, commonplace forms of discrimination, such as being ignored, ridiculed or treated differently(Subtle racism, 2013). Subtle racism is something that happens on a daily basis. I have experience it myself and when I do I just ignore the ones who are perpetrating it. I believe that there are people who are unaware that they are racist. I believe that because they have acted the way they do towards people of color since their childhood they believe that they are displaying normal behavior. Subtle racism can be displayed by all races. Every culture displays some type of subtle racism when confronted with a person from outside their culture. The reason there would be significant differences in perceptions and values of members within the same ethnic group is because even people of the same ethnic group have differences with people within their own Group. It can be as simple as believing that a person is not acting the way they believe that they should be coming from that ethnic group. Some people of color may believe that someone in Their ethnic group is not acting like they are from their group or may believe that they are trying to act like they belong to another ethnic group. The mixing of different social backgrounds is influenced by social interaction (Wesker, 2011). Working today as a counselor you must be culturally competent. Being culturally competent means understanding every culture, their language, social and economic nuances of people (diversity and cultural competence, 2013).

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Vanishing Chinese in American History Essay examples -- American A

The Vanishing Chinese in American History Our country’s history is filled with stories that are ignored: the Japanese Americans who were held against their will in internment camps during World War II, African-American pilots who fought bravely for our country during the second World War, Native Americans who sacrificed their lives in defense of territory that was rightfully theirs, and Chinese immigrants who toiled to build the western leg of the transcontinental railroad in the nineteenth century. Typical of this silencing of stories in American history is the exclusion of Chinese â€Å"paper sons†Ã¢â‚¬â€young men, many in their early teens, who came to this country with papers that fraudulently established their family relations to an American-born or naturalized father. The â€Å"paper son† phenomenon is not unusual in the history of the Chinese in America; it was a common way to get around the discriminatory immigration laws that prevented many Chinese from coming to the United States. Thus, the stories of â€Å"paper sons† should be told as we examine the racist attitudes and policies toward the people who built, shaped, and changed America alongside European immigrants. As former U.S. Congressman Norm Mineta so eloquently puts it, â€Å"When one hears Americans tell of the immigrants who built this nation, one is led to believe that all our forebears come from Europe. When one hears stories about the pioneers going West to shape the land, the Asian immigrant is rarely mentioned† (Takaki 6). We need to acknowledge the contributions of extraordinary individuals—â€Å"paper sons† such as my uncle, Stanley Hom Lau, who left their families and homeland behind to establish new roots and who made America the u nique salad bowl it is today. ... ...ide of the Pacific to the other and have opportunities they never dreamed possible. The voices of â€Å"paper sons† like Stanley Hom Lau should not be silenced; they should be included in history books because these people are an important component of U.S. history—as important as the Irish, German and Russian immigrants were to this country at the turn of the century. For, as Americans, we originally came from many â€Å"different shores† (Takaki)—Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia. Works Cited Chan, Sucheng. Asian Americans: An Interpretive History. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1991. Lai, H. Mark and Choy, Philip P. Outlines: History of the Chinese in America. San Francisco: Fong Brothers, 1971. Lau, Stanley. Personal Interview. May 2-3, 1997. Takaki, Ronald. Strangers From a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans. New York: Penguin Books, 1989.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Depression, anxiety and low self-esteem in woman with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) Abstract Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is a rare syndrome that not only causes physical conditions but emotional. The psychological effects of woman diagnosed with MRKH have never been fully discovered. The hypothesis and or purpose of this study is to evaluate self-report measures of psychological distress in woman with MRKH syndrome compared to woman without MRKH syndrome.A group of woman with MRKH will be assessed through anxiety, depression, and self-esteem scales to determine any psychological distress MRKH had on them when they first received the diagnosis up until later on in life. Similar studies and theories believe that coping with infertility can be taxing and cause psychological issues throughout a woman’s life. I belief observing woman when diagnosed with MRKH as well as following up with woman after dealing with the initial shock of this syndrome will give insight to being able to give proper coping skills to not only woman with MRKH syndrome but woman with infertility issues.Keywords: MRKH, anxiety, depression, infertility, menstrual disorders Introduction MRKH is a rare condition found in approximately 1 in 5000 female births, and it is typically diagnosed in mid-adolescence (Leidolf, 2006). The psychosexual development and the identity, femininity, body image and self-esteem of the patients can be significantly impaired by receiving this type of information about their bodies (Laggari, et al. , 2009). Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome is a condition that involves congenital absence of the vagina, fallopian tubes, cervix and/ or uterus.Some women have uterine remnants, or horns. External genitalia are normal. Chromosome karyotype is 46XX(normal female). The incidence rate is approximately one in 5000. Other symptoms involved to varying degrees are kidney abnormalities, skeletal problems and hearing loss. The cause is somewhat unclear, but the Syndrome occurs during the 4th-6th week of fetal development (Heller-Hoersma, Schmidt, Edmons, 2009). MRKH syndrome is divided into two types; type I Rokitansky sequence and type II MURCS association.Isolated utero-vaginal aplasia is referred to as Rokitansky sequence or to type I (isolated) MRKH syndrome. Incomplete aplasia and/or associated with other malformations, is generally referred to as MURCS association (or type II MRKH syndrome) (Camborieux, Guerrier, Morcel, 2007). Many components go into each case found with MRKH syndrome. Surgery may be in order to have a correctly functioning vagina in many cases. There are many different elements that can affect woman with MRKH syndrome physically and psychologically.Menstruation is considered to be one of the archetypal symbols of femininity and thus constitutes a phenomenon of great significance in the nature of woman (Laggari, et al. , 2009). Living in a world where fertility is a virtue can cause many c onfusing thoughts for those who are infertile. Adolescent girls struggle when trying to figure out who they are as kids and as women. Magazines, Television and Role Models stress the importance of becoming a mother and giving birth.Seeing pregnant women on a day-to-day basis as well as displayed as beautiful in the media shapes a certain image in girls’ minds. When diagnosed with MRKH many women feel confused, angry, and hurt. Adjusting to the diagnosis of MRKH is a difficult and traumatic process for these women, leading them to question their identity as women and to experience a sense of confusion regarding their gender, their bodies, and their social and sexual roles (Leidolf, 2006). Being diagnosed as abnormal can lead to many questions about ones identity.Many women who struggle with infertility difficulties struggle with psychological difficulties. MRKH syndrome is a rare disorder and has been limitedly studied. Looking at the connection between psychological stress wi th woman who have MRKH and those who do not will give insight to many syndromes that deal with infertility issues for example polycystic ovary syndrome. Studies that have been taken have shown a strong connection between anxiety and depression with woman with MRKH syndrome. Limited sample sizes have caused strain in the past studies.A past study states; â€Å"very little is known about the short and long-term psychological impact of MRKHS in females, but several clinicians have suggested that the physical malformations, absence of menstruation and infertility and the subsequent surgical intervention may all contribute to narcissistic damage in these patients† (Laggari, et al. , 2009). Finding out this information can help doctors prepare in helping woman cope with the struggles of infertility. In women with MRKH is it not only the struggle with infertility but also the conflict of identity.Many of these patients may also become depressed questioning themselves over their gend er and doubting their ability to fulfill the female role as adults in the future. They report that infertility is the most difficult part of the condition for young woman to accept (Laggari, et al. , 2009). Doing two personal interviews with patients with MRKH syndrome really helped get into the eyes of how one dealt with the overwhelming feelings of being diagnosed with this syndrome as a teen, and dealing with and living with MRKH as an adult.This interview will help in the preparation for the study we hope to perform for the future. Having such a rare disorder makes it not only difficult to study but difficult to find participants. Finding those with MRKH syndrome around the world willing to participate in this interview was very helpful. A set of interview questions was produced to ensure the best quality answers. Fake names were used to ensure the privacy of patients. Interview Questions 1. How old were you when you found out you had MRKH syndrome 2. How did you find out you ha d MRKH syndrome . What were the feelings/emotions you felt when you found this out? 4. Was there anything that doctors could have improved on? 5. Was there a support system available? Or something you would have liked to see? 6. Was there anything that would have made finding out and dealing with having MRKH easier? I asked two participants of different ages. Both woman were asked the same questions; Alicia fifty years of age, and Jessica twenty-two years of age. Alicia was diagnosed with MRKH at the age of fifteen, she found out due to â€Å"not having a normal size vagina. â€Å"Only a dimple sized vagina. † When she found out she was devastated, the doctors were pocking and prodding at her not having a support system treating her like some kind of experiment. â€Å"Today I am very thankful and try to be of any help to girls who are struggling with what I went through, never wanting a girl to have to go through it alone like I did. I know how hard it can be and believe a strong support system is very important. † Jessica is only twenty-two years of age and found out she had MRKH at fourteen years of age due to a lack of menstruation.Jessica said she was very confused, she thought something was wrong with her because she was different from all of her friends. After she found out she had MRKH she was overwhelmed but glad she didn’t feel so lost and alone. Jessica said she still went through a great deal of depression and grieving but it was great having a support group and having many girls that were going through the same thing. I found it very interesting to see the differences in answers between Alicia and Jessica due to their difference in age.Even though MRKH syndrome is still a very rare syndrome the doctors dealing with this syndrome are trying to improve on the support systems to keep improving on the psychological effects that this emotional syndrome can have on women. Methodology Section Recent studies have been performed trying to evaluate self-report measures of psychological distress in woman with MRKH syndrome compared to woman without MRKH syndrome but have none have fully succeded. Past studies have struggled with finding a significant sample size.I plan to contact woman with MRKH syndrome not only in the United States but also the United Kingdom. Having a bigger range will help get a more significant sample size. The four main MRKH doctors will be contacted in hope they will participate in this study. Helping find patients through this source will not only be helpful but more successful. I hope to find a central location to perform this study. Boston, Massachusetts is one of the central hubs for the MRKH community and believe it would be a great location for the experiment to take place.Before the experiment was to start I believe all the woman should be informed that there is a support system available at all times, if they are in any way uncomfortable they do not need to feel pressured to answer a ny questions, and or can return as they please not having a time limit. I believe that this is a very difficult subject and should be treated with the utmost care. Dealing with infertility and identity issues can cause great psychological stress on a woman. I believe looking at anxiety, depression and self-esteem would be a good start to looking at the psychological effects MRKH syndrome has had on women.Using The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), which is a widely used questionnaire and is the depression rating scale that is most often used with adolescents. BDI consists of 16 items, designed to assess the cognitive behavioral effective and somatic components of depression, and the severity or self-reported depressive symptoms (Laggari, et al. , 2009). The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), which is used extensively to assess global anxiety that varies across situations and anxiety that is stable across time and situations. The STAI is composed of two separate self-report scales (Laggari, et al. 2009). Rosenburg Self-Esteem scale is 10 items being rated strongly agrees to strongly disagree. This questionnaire observes how one views one’s own worth. Using these scales will let us observe the difference between woman with MRKH and woman without MRKH. Because MRKH is such a stressful syndrome the belief is the results will show significantly higher ratings in depression, anxiety, and self-esteem in woman with MRKH syndrome. It is important to following up with the woman who participated in the study years after the diagnosis.Looking to see the hopeful progress a woman has made in dealing with the diagnosis is important to helping women in the future. Using similar scales to assess their psychological state would be beneficial to track their progress. Reviewing and comparing both scales will then give an accurate depiction of the psychological effects that MRKH syndrome can have on a woman. I believe it is very important to make sure that a woman is stab le enough to participate in these studies after being diagnosed with MRKH.Many women have been known to go through severe depression and even attempt suicide after dealing with infertility issues, needing time to go through a proper grieving process. We want to get accurate measures, but want to make sure that participants are emotionally stable after leaving the experiment. References Laggari, V. , Diareme, S. , Christogiorgos, S. , Deligeorglou, E. , Chrisopoulos, P. , Tsiantis, J. , & Creatsas, G. (2009). Anxiety and depression in adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome and Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 30(22). 3-88. Laure Camborieux, Daniel Guerrier, Karine Morcel. (2007). Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 13. Leidolf, E. (2006). The missing vagina monologue†¦and beyond. Journal of Gay Lesbian Psychotherapy. 10(2), 77-92. Heller-Boersma, J. G. , Schmidt, U. H. , & Edmons, D. (2009). Psychological distress in women with uterovaginal agenesis (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome. MRKH). Psychosomatics; Journal of Consultation Liason Psychiatry. 50(3). 277-281. Parker, L. (2012, November). Personal Interview Taylor, T. (2012, November). Personal Interview

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Postpartum Depression And Its Effects On Mental Health

Postpartum depression is the epitome of grief, strife, and angst which slithers and knots its cruel intentions through every inch of your body and soul. It s a predominant force in the daily life of mother s suffering with PPD, relentlessly taunting its innocent victims to an extremely lonely, dark breaking point. Feeding psychologically, this tenacious monster s very existence depending entirely on its host; much like a parasite. PPD causes an ever so exhausting atmosphere of stricken dread and despair, that you begin to ignore your own well-being; therefore resulting in the fast paced deterioration of your mental health. You are relentlessly bullied to surrender to its cruel darkness. However, you can also fight with everything you have to be that person you once enjoyed...that person you thought was gone forever. During my pregnancy I unfortunately also suffered from prenatal depression and anxiety. Immediately following the birth of my son, prenatal depression seamlessly handed off the baton to postpartum depress. I suffered immensely physically and emotionally. It s crushing knowing that for nine months I provided a safe, warm home for my little one , delivering an absolutely perfect, beautiful little boy into this world. Darkness, sadness, and hopelessness were the absolute last emotions I ever expected having. Expectation set by the societal norms, paint this whimsical new mother fairy tale portraying all new moms glowing with the utmost happiness.Show MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Postpartum Depression1612 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction First-time mothers are more susceptible to experiencing Postpartum Depression (PPD) and less likely to receive treatment for this disorder. PPD can be difficult to diagnose because women are often self -reporting and less likely to be forthcoming with their symptoms and detecting PPD becomes a public health problem (Yonkers, 2001, p. 1856). 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